These Rules must be read in conjunction with the Football NSW and Football Australia rules of the game.

1. Field of Play
1.1. The area between fields or fields to markers & up to fences surrounding the field is declared neutral ground.
1.2. Neutral ground shall be an area were ONLY match officials & players shall be permitted, all other persons must be outside this area or areas marked as such.
1.3. No persons other than the players may enter the field of play unless directed by the referee or match officials.

2. Duration of the Match
2.1. The game shall consist of 1 period of 15 minutes as the tournament games have a no out-of-bounds rule and games are continuous unless there is a stoppage by the referee.
2.2. There will be no time off for injuries or any other stoppages.
2.3. The Referee may stop the game at his/her discretion.
2.4. All Games shall start and finish on time as defined by the tournament organizer.

3. Team Nominations
3.1. tournament organisers reserve the right to refuse any nomination of a team or player without explanation.
3.2. No Team may nominate a team name, which is offensive or may be perceived to be offensive. (Please remember other small children are around)
3.3. team nominations MUST be submitted before the advertised deadline. Team nominations submitted after the deadline will be rejected unless the team is required to remove a bye from a competition.
3.4. Team must nominate to a max.of 8 players. and a minimum of 6 players

4. Players
4.1. Each team is allowed 3 floating reserves.
4.2. The minimum number of players a team may take the field with is 3.
4.3. Teams which cannot maintain the minimum number of on field players will be deemed to have forfeited.
4.4. No player may play for any other team, which is short of players in the same age group as they are competing in
4.5. Players may only play 2 years above their current age group. Parents who wish for their kids to play up 3 age groups (maximum) must provide written and signed permission to the tournament organisers. NO PLAYER may play down an age group.
4.6. This is an association level competition. All players who participate in SAP or any representative teams will not be allowed to compete
4.7. All player registrations will be checked against the existing database of representative and SAP players.
4.8. If a SAP or representative player has been missed in the initial check and has still played during the tournament, the team in which they played will forfeit all their points and risk expulsion from the tournament.

5. Game Ball
5.1. Tournament organisers will supply a match ball.
5.2. No balls other than those provided by the tournament organizer may be used during any match.
5.3. Only one ball will be provided per match.

6. Player equipment
6.1. Player’s are to take the field in Team Colours as approved by the tournament organisers (I.e.: Shirt, Shorts & Socks)
6.2. In the event of a clash of strips, one team must wear bibs to differentiate the teams. Referees shall let the teams know if this is required.
6.3. Shin pads MUST be worn at all times, players cannot take the field if shin pads are not worn.
6.4. Players MUST wear suitable footwear.

7. Interchanging Reserves
7.1. Players can be interchanged at any time with any player on the field.
7.2. Interchanges must take place on the sideline at halfway.
7.3. The player being replaced must leave the field on the sideline at halfway, were the interchange player is waiting.
7.4. The interchange player must not take the field before the player being change has left the field & Referee has singled the player can enter the field.
7.5. Any replacement of the goalkeeper must be reported to the Referee before the interchange takes place.
7.6. Interchanges of players do not have to take place during a break of play.
7.7. Reserves can be changed as many times as the team wants.

8. Fouls and Misconduct
8.1. Referees must submit a written report of send-offs to the tournament organisers immediately after the game.
8.2. The tournament organisers will advise the team and player of the punishment for the send off
8.3 All awarded free kicks (other than penalties) are indirect.
8.4 Penalties are direct kicks from the middle point of the semi circle with no opposing players standing between the ball and the goal.
8.5 During a penalty, players from both teams must be outside the semi circle until the ball is kicked
8.6 The player taking the penalty may only take one step prior to kicking the ball

9. Playing Unregistered Players
9.1. Teams found or reported for playing unregistered players or players serving a suspension will forfeit the points applicable for those matches & maybe withdrawn from the tournament.
9.2. A forfeit fee is payable by the forfeiting team.

10. Forfeiture Fees
10.1. Teams which forfeit will be charged a forfeit fee.
10.2. The forfeit fee is due before the forfeiting team can play their next game.
10.4. Teams will be liable for all games forfeited during the competition.

11. Game Rules
11.1. Normal cautions & send off offences apply.
11.2. All Football NSW & FIFA rules apply unless they have been specifically amended or deleted in these rules.
11.3. Players from under 10’s and above may not score from inside the semi circle unless it is with a part of the body above the waist (eg, head or chest), unless it is an own goal which can be scored with any part of the body.
11.4 In order for a player to score from inside the semi circle (waist up or own goal), the initial pass or shot must have come from outside the semi circle.
11.4. Players from under 10’s and above may still compete for the ball whilst it is inside the semi circle but must pass it outside in order to score.
11.5. Players from under 9’s and younger can score from anywhere.
11.6. If a goalkeeper catches the ball, they are not permitted to drop kick/punt the ball, the ball must be thrown into play.
11.7. If a goalkeeper catches the ball and wishes to kick it out, they must first place it on the ground which allows them a 4 second dead ball period before the ball is live and any player can compete for it.
11.8. During the 4 second dead ball period, no player from the opposing team may enter the semi circle.
11.9. Once the 4 second dead ball period is up, the referee will advise that the ball is live and any player can compete for it, however, in order to score from this position, rules 11.3 and 11.4 apply for all players from under 10’s and up.

12. Team Sheets
12.1. The team sheet shall be collected before the game.
12.2. In all matches team managers shall, before the start of the match, complete a team sheet with the names (PRINTED IN BIRO).
12.3. Team sheets must remain in the designated area.
12.4. Referees must enter the scores onto the team sheet directly after the game
12.5. The Referee shall record the score, there will be no further alterations.
12.6. Team managers must sign the team sheet immediately after the referee enters the score.

14. Finals Series
In each age group the four top placed teams will contest a Finals Series thus:

Game 1 First plays Fourth
Game 2 Second plays Third
Final Winner Game 1 v Winner Game 2, The Winner of the Final will be the Competition Winner.

14.1. If two teams are equal on points at the end of the competition, goal” for” minus goals “against” (i.e.: Goal difference) will be used to decide the final placing’s.
14.2. If the goal difference is the same after applying rule 14.1, then the one scoring the highest goals shall be the higher placed team.
14.3. In the event of a draw in the finals or the grand final, 5 minutes of Golden Goal extra time will be played.
14.4. In the event of a draw after the extra time a Penalty Shoot-Out will decide the winner
14.5. During the penalty shootout, rules 8.4, 8.5 & 8.6 apply
14.6. During a Penalty shot-out the goalkeeper who finished the game, must be the goalkeeper for the shoot out.
14.7..If the Final and or Final series cannot be played due to weather or other extenuating circumstances the Competition winner will be declared as the highest placed team at competitions end.

15. Points
15.1. In competition, points will be awarded as follows:
Win (by result or forfeit) 3 points. Forfeits are awarded as a 2-0 win
Draw 1 Point
Byes 0 points

16. Registration & Game fees
16.1 All player registrations must be done through playfootball, the link will be provided by the team organisers.
16.2 Any player who is not registered by the advertised deadline will not be able to compete in the tournament
16.3 Any teams who do not finalise their entry fee by the advertised deadline will be removed from the competition
16.4 tournament fees are a one off per team fee which will cover all the teams costs for the tournament.